Company Profile
The First date of foundation is 1947 year, when MR Mustafa Cagimni opened little tire rubber shop in Adana city. Murat Cagimni was a child who wanted to learn everything about sales and services, and he got a good 24 year experience on that factory. Company first in Turkey became a member of International Rubber Association (IRA). After Murat Cagimni came to Istanbul to the biggest Holding as one of Top-manager to get more experience in export. In 2000 year He found his our company AYAZ MAKINA which AYAZ LASTIK were specialized in rubber products and takes an interest in the automobile market. Due to the high demand for various trailers, tanks and other equipment 10/08/2007 a separate company TUERK MAKINA LTD was found. In the beginning the target was European market which means high quality and detailed documentation of vehicle. WHAT THE COMPANY HAS SUCCEEDED Tuerk Makina earned good reputation as a exporter and get Authorized dealer certificates from hugest and famous manufacturers of fuel, LPG, silo trailers, lowbeds, tippers, and other more tanks, trailers and special equipment. Later not just Europe but Russia and countries of the CIS former added to the objectives. 2010- opened an office in Tehran/Iran, 2011 – opened an office in London/England to work with African Counties and an office in Moscow. During the period 2008-2011 the company acquired new important partners as well as general petroleum SHELL, BP, PO, OPET distribution companies whose stock were sold and shipped for abroad by Tuerk Makine Ltd. In 2007 year about 350pcs; in 2008 year – 850pcs; in 2009 year – 440 pcs; in 2010 – more then 240; 2011 – about 125 NEW pcs were sold for export and according to acceptation of ADE system in Turkey, good quality aluminium semitrailer with ADR were sold to big Turkish petroleum companies. The manufacturing and export of silo semitrailers still continue. TODAY LIFE 2012 year we started as a Group of companies which operates in different 3 sectors: - Automotive sector (trailers, semitrailers, tanks and so on) - Rubber (tires, coating, handling, other rubber products) - Packing (paperboard products, bobbin cutting, manufacturing of special machinery)